
I am having a major case of anxiety and it seems like no one gives a poop.

I don’t know what to do.  I try to reach out but there is only silence.  I don’t want to burden people, but I don’t want to be alone.  I hate when I feel this way.  It’s been happening a lot lately.

I feel as if the people closest to me are too busy with their own issues to notice, or care, for mine.  I don’t know what I’m even talking about now since my mind is clouded.  All I know is that I want to cry.  A lot.

Maybe it’s the side effects from all of the medication I am taking.  Maybe it’s the depression caused by my poor health and everything concerning that.  Maybe it’s a bit of both.

I feel like something ominous is about to happen.  I feel stressed and scared – almost like I have some major assignment/test that will determine something important, but am unprepared.  That’s a silly way of explaining it, but that’s all I’ve got at the moment.


  1. 9 years ago

    you will never be a burden on me…only a blessing..hang in there kitten get better and know that i will always love every are my starre.

  2. 11 years ago

    I know I’m a stranger but to reply to your comment below to your boo…If your “friends” would leave just because of your “complaining”than they don’t need to be worthy enough to be called FRIEND!!

    • 11 years ago

      You’re right. It’s pretty sad that you find out who your real friends are when you go through a medical crisis – or any tragedy. It can be sad at first, but then you realize you are better off not having them in your life!

  3. 11 years ago

    Hang in there! Your stronger than you think always remember that if God brings you to it he’ll get you through it & just when your about to give up it is then he’ll carry you the rest of the way…

  4. 11 years ago

    remember that you are never alone. you family, myself, and friends are always with you, sometimes you just need to remind us because everyone has problems and get caught away with their own stuff, but just call and i’ll always be here.Feel better!!

    • 11 years ago

      Thank you. But you know I feel like I am a burden when I complain to people. I am scared they will leave because they won’t want to deal with my issues on top of theirs. But thank you for your comment, it was very nice.


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